ICMR (Indian Council of Medical Research) holds a national level examination for determining the eligibility of Indian National candidates for the award of Junior Research Fellowships (JRF) for admission to the PhD. / Research Programme. The award of JRF is made on a merit basis by holding a National level entrance examination. The award of Junior Research Fellowship to the successful eligible candidates will depend on their finding placement in a medical college/hospital/university / national laboratory/institution of higher learning and research as applicable. Test for ICMR JRF fellowship is conducted at the seven centres viz. Chandigarh, Chennai, Delhi, Kolkata, Hyderabad, Guwahati, and Mumbai once a year.

Admission notice: March/April.
Date of entrance examination: First/second week of July.


A total of 120 Fellowships would be awarded for work in the field of biomedical sciences emphasis on Life Sciences (like microbiology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, human biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, immunology, pharmacology, zoology, botany, Environmental Sciences and veterinary sciences etc.)


1 . The value of the fellowship is at present Rs. 12,000/- (Rupees Twelve thousand only) per month.
2. The duration of the fellowship will initially be limited to two years carrying a monthly stipend of Rs. 12,000/- and an annual contingency grant of Rs.20, 000/- per annum. The progress of research work would be evaluated annually through annual progress reports. On completion of two years as JRF, the stipend of a fellow may be increased to Rs. 14,000/- p.m. for 3rd year on the basis of assessment of candidate research progress/achievements. Upon such a recommendation, the fellow will be called SRF. In the event of the Committee not recommending up-gradation, the fellow will continue as JRF with a stipend of Rs. 12,000/- per month for the 3rd year or his/her fellowship may be terminated depending on the decision of the Committee. The duration as SRF may be for a maximum duration of 3 years. Thus, the total tenure as JRF plus SRF shall not exceed 5 (five) years.


1. M.Sc. or equivalent degree with minimum 55% marks for General/OBC candidates and 50% for the SC/ST & physically handicapped candidates in the subjects mentioned under the head method of selection.

2. A candidate who is appearing/has appeared in the final year (IV/VI Semester whichever is applicable, and final year where Semester system is not there) of M.Sc . or Equivalent Examination can also apply for the test as RA (Result Awaited).
(Such candidates will have to submit the attestation format (given at the end of the application) duly Certified by the Head of the Department/ Institute. The M.Sc./M.A. or equivalent degree mark sheet must be submitted to ICMR, latest by 30th September 2009, otherwise, the candidature will automatically be forfeited.)


The age limit for admission to the eligibility test is 28 years as of 30-09 (upper age limit relaxable up to 5 years in case of candidates belonging to SC/ST, physically handicapped (PH) and female candidates, 3 years in the case of OBC category.


The test will consist of one paper of 2 hours duration.

The paper will consist of 2 Sections.

1. The Aptitude Section (Section A) will have 50 questions on
  • The scientific phenomenon in everyday life;
  • General knowledge in sciences; and
  • Common statistics.
(All these questions would be compulsory with each question carrying 1 mark.)

2. The subject Specific Section (Section B) would pertain to Life Sciences.

a. Section B has 100 questions and the candidate may attempt any 75 questions. Each question carries one mark. Negative marking @ 0.25 will be made for each of the wrong answers. The questions in both the sections would.
b. The Test will be held in the Life Sciences. Subjects covered under Life Sciences include microbiology, physiology, molecular biology, genetics, human biology, biotechnology, biochemistry, bioinformatics, biophysics, immunology, pharmacology, zoology, botany, environmental sciences and veterinary sciences.
c. The qualifying marks will be 55% obtained in both the sections (A+B) for General Category and OBC and 50% for SC/ST and physically handicapped.

For further information, please contact:

The Division of Manpower Development,
Indian Council of Medical Research,
Ansari Nagar, Post Box 4911,
New Delhi-110029.
DETAILS : http:// pgimer.nic.in OR http://icmr.nic.in
BROSCURE : http://icmr.nic.in/jrf2009/jrf_brochure.pdf



 2274, Hudson Line,
Behind Khalsa College (DU),
Near GTB Nagar Metro (Gate No. 3)
Kingsway Camp,
Delhi - 110009


